Invisalign: Which Foods and Drinks to Avoid

Orthodontics Tamarac, FL

Invisalign® is different from other teeth straightening treatments because it is flexible and fits over the patient’s teeth comfortably. The aligner trays are removable, allowing the patient to clean their teeth and the trays properly. Although one of the advantages of Invisalign is that it allows you to eat whatever you crave, a healthy diet is important for successful treatment. This article talks about the foods and drinks to avoid during the procedure.

Dietary regulations for Invisalign

While the general dentist will not give a long list of foods to avoid, patients need to be wary of the foods and drinks they consume. There are also habits to avoid. First, it is advisable to avoid smoking, chewing gums or tobacco and drinking alcohol during the Invisalign® treatment. Remnants from these substances can stick to the aligner trays and the teeth, eventually staining the tray and the teeth. Below are some of the foods to avoid during treatment.

Hard foods and candies

Foods like potato chips and pretzels that are crunchy are less likely to disturb the teeth straightening treatment because they are not too hard on the teeth. Hard foods like hard-shelled bread, seeds and nuts should be avoided during treatment. Hard candies are not advisable as they tend to leave a sugary residue that contributes to plaque formation. Fruits and vegetables are healthier choices, but they should be diced into smaller pieces. If possible, it is better to stick with soft fruits, such as bananas and grapes.

Sticky foods

For people with braces, chewing gum is one of the major things to avoid. This rule applies to Invisalign as well. In addition to chewing gum, all sticky foods and candies are on the “do not eat” list. Sticky foods like caramel and jelly beans can adhere to the aligners and may damage them.

Avoid certain drinks

Drinks like wine, tea and coffee can stain the aligner trays easily. The drinks leave dark stains on the aligners, which will eventually stain the teeth as well. Hot drinks such as coffee or tea can warp or bend the aligners due to high temperatures, potentially extending the treatment duration. It is imperative to note that sugary drinks like soda are detrimental to teeth as well.

Although it is acceptable to consume these drinks occasionally, dentists recommend limiting the level of intake and rinsing teeth afterward. Sodas are usually acidic and can demineralize tooth enamel. The sticky nature of soda means sugar adheres to the teeth and gives the bacterial plaque that causes cavities a place to grow. It is better to keep the teeth and gums free of oral issues throughout the treatment.

In conclusion

Invisalign® is not limiting; it only requires compliance with guidelines. The treatment is easier when patients brush their teeth regularly, clean the trays and avoid certain foods and oral habits. If you wish to straighten your teeth with Invisalign, contact the dental office for a consultation appointment. The general dentist will examine your oral cavity and develop a suitable treatment plan.

Request an appointment here: or call The Dental Place of Tamarac at (954) 271-8072 for an appointment in our Tamarac office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in Tamarac, FL.

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